# Switch *It is a network devices. *It works at layer 2 of OSI Model. *It is used to connect more than one end devices for sharing purpose, security, etc. # Ma nageable Switch: Those switches which can be configured by administrator i.e., administrator can modify the default configuration of switch. They have a console port. # Unma nageable Switch: Those switches which cannot be configured by administrator. They already have a default configuration. They don't have a console port. Setting Passwords Five passwords are used to secure your Cisco Switch: console, auxiliary, telnet (VTY), enable password, and enable secret. The enable secret and enable password are used to set the password that’s used to secure privileged mode. This will prompt a user for a password when the enable command is used. The other three are used to configure a password when user mode is accessed through the console port, through the auxiliary port, or via Telnet. ...